Thursday, July 14, 2011

Argue with a pig? What I learned from Google+ today

I once heard a quip: "Never argue with a pig.  You'll only get frustrated and it annoys the pig."  As a frequent uninvolved third party to debates, I think of this often.  

Since I had/have not decided if I was/am interested in Google+, I did not get an invite to Google+ (yet), but it is very interesting to wander among the Google+ circles viewing profiles, photos, videos, and buzz/blogs.

On Ben Standard's Google+ buzz page appears this video gem:

explaining the theoretical underpinnings of arguing with a pig (and Republican politicians?).


( Credits:  HuffPost->Google+ Guide Tip 4: "Follow Googlers"->List of Googlers->Shimrit Ben-Yair->Itai Ram->Natanel Barookhian->Ben Standard... 1 hour diversion. )